
October BBQ

On the east coast, the common place back yard BBQ is much better held in the autumn rather than in the summer. Simply put, it's too hot to BBQ in the summer. There is no need to fire up the grill during the summer months because it's too humid to light the fire and too hot to survive the process. That said, it's fall and we BBQed today. Although it was still 90 degrees.

It all started out after church. We went to the local market. It's called Eastern Market. Go figure. There we bought a delicious assortment of bell peppers, zucchini, apples, green beans, artichokes and crab lemon herb raviolis. We used the steak from Safeway to add to the kabobs, but aside from that our meal was completley organic. (Not that I know what that means, but its definitely trendy to say no matter what coast you're on.)

The kabobs were delicious-

Joe & Amy
(whomever actually types the blog gets to put their name first. fyi)


Unknown said...

It sounds and looks good. Wish I could be there to enjoy you guys.
love dad
P.S. Organic is short for "food with feces".

Unknown said...

Amy and Joe
For the record your Dad and I are trying to eat as much organic as possible.....So Good Job on the healthy meal planning..Dad was just making a joke about the organic food comment.......
p.s. Keep up the wonderful barbeques. November is around the corner
Love mom